E-Mail Newsletters
Not Receiving Emails?
If you are not receiving emails from BCSC please check the following:
1. Check your spam/junk folder. Sometimes, an email provider will automatically send @brownsburg.k12.in.us emails to your junk/spam folder. You can add "vmurphy@brownsburg.k12.in.us" or your principal's email address to your contacts to help your provider realize that the email is not spam.
2. Make sure the email you have listed in your PowerSchool parent portal account is accurate and updated. Our system pulls directly from PowerSchool so it is essential that you update your information with the school office.
3. Have you opted out of receiving emails? You can call us at 317-852-5726 to remove the block on ParentSquare messages.
If none of these suggestions resolves the issue, please reach out to us so we can troubleshoot further.
Vicki Murphy
Director of Communications