Teach Here
Welcome to one of the best places to teach in the Midwest! Brownsburg Community School Corporation (BCSC) is home to the highest performing schools in Indiana where teachers are supported with a strong culture of collaboration. It's a great time to be a Bulldog!
#1 employer in Brownsburg (BCSC)
10 miles from metropolitan Indianapolis
15 miles from the Indianapolis Int’l Airport
9 universities within commuting distance
49,089 residents served by BCSC
$93,147 median household income
73.9% home ownership rate
6.1% below the poverty level
95.3% high school diploma or higher
47.5% Bachelor’s degree or higher
11.08 land in square miles
6.6% unemployment (Hendricks Co)
BCSC is #1
The 2023-24 minimum annual teacher salary is $51,500.00.
Manageable class sizes help all students learn.
Brownsburg Schools supports new teachers in many ways
Insurance, Retirement, On-site clinic...
Our teachers support students and families from many backgrounds
Brownsburg High School is one of the largest in Indiana
BCSC is committed to giving students, teachers, and staff the right technology to support student learning
BCSC is supported by many local organizations, especially the Brownsburg Education Foundation