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Collaboration with ABA Services

If you are interested in your child attending Brownsburg Community School Corporation, or in allowing the school corporation to collaborate with your ABA/Outside Therapy provider, please complete the following steps: 

  • Complete the enrollment form for the current school year. We understand that you may be completing the form simply to have an evaluation completed or start the collaboration process, and do not plan to have your child attend BCSC schools at this time. If that is the case, please note that in the enrollment form, but still complete the enrollment forfor the current school year. Please access the enrollment form at the following link:
    Please email or call 317-852-5726 ext. 2051 for additional assistance with the enrollment process if needed. 
  • Please complete the Social Developmental History form. This form is used as part of the transition or evaluation process to provide school psychologists with necessary information to guide the evaluation of special education services.
  • Complete a Mutual Exchange of Information form.  This form can be completed and returned to the Special Education Department at 310 Stadium Drive, Brownsburg, IN 46112 or emailed to